ShapeShifter Fish and Friends Blog

Give the Gift of Experience: 5 Places to #getoutside this Holiday Season

Give the Gift of Experience: 5 Places to #getou...

The holiday season is upon us friends, and we've created a list of experiential gift ideas in the Tampa Bay area, paired with the perfect ShapeShifter Fish and Friends UPF50+...

Give the Gift of Experience: 5 Places to #getou...

The holiday season is upon us friends, and we've created a list of experiential gift ideas in the Tampa Bay area, paired with the perfect ShapeShifter Fish and Friends UPF50+...

Our First Friends - “Meet the Pelican, Manatee and Dolphin"

Our First Friends - “Meet the Pelican, Manatee ...

Your new friends are here! Please say hello to our first official friends here at Shapeshifter Fish and Friends: The Pelican, The Manatee and The Dolphin! Just like our first...

Our First Friends - “Meet the Pelican, Manatee ...

Your new friends are here! Please say hello to our first official friends here at Shapeshifter Fish and Friends: The Pelican, The Manatee and The Dolphin! Just like our first...